

We are a small team of space experts and enthusiats, but very active in the big space community. We are fostering collaboration between space makers like us and scientific projects mainly in the field of open source and open data with an eye on hands on space applications. For that, we attend congresses and we are mentoring during open source summer coding sessions. Why? Because working with creative people is amazing! And we all learn from each other.

Feel free to subscribe to our mailig list or to use our open source code on github for your very own space project!


We believe in low latency. This means we experienced that people want to meet in person. So we started a monthly meetup in Stuttgart, Germany, together with the local group of the German Aerospace Society (DGLR). Join us every first Wednesday of the month. Further information you find on our

And if it is to cozy for you, we also regularly do workshops or spaceup unconferences. Giving you all the space you need!


So we already talked about the community and meetups. So we are not just talking, we are actually „making“ something. We reglarly organize hackathons and we are meeting in our local Stuttgart hackerspace shackspace for developing new software and also hardware for our grass roots space projects.