Again for the 5th time, AerospaceResearch.net[0] is proud to be selected as an official mentoring organization for the Summer of Code 2019 (GSOC) program run by Google[1].
And we are now looking for students to spend their summers coding on great open-source space software, getting paid up to 6600 USD by Google, releasing scientific papers about their projects and supporting the open-source space community.
Until 9. April 2019, students can apply for an hands on experience with applied space programs. As an umbrella organisation, AerospaceResearch.net, KSat-Stuttgart e.V. and ep2lab of Carlos III University of Madrid are offering you various coding ideas[2] to work on:
- The Distributed Ground Station Network – global tracking and communication with small-satellites[2][4]
- KSat-Stuttgart – the small satellite society at the Institute of Space Systems / University of Stuttgart[2]
- ep2lab of Carlos III University of Madrid[2]
- or your very own proposal![2]