Again for the third time,[0] is proud to be selected as an official mentoring organization for the Summer of Code 2017 (GSOC) program run by Google[1].
And we are now looking for students to spend their summers coding on great open-source space software, getting paid up to 6600 USD by Google, releasing scientific papers about their projects and supporting the open-source space community.
Until 3. April 2017, students can apply for an hands on experience with applied space programs. As an umbrella organisation, and KSat-Stuttgart e.V. are offering you various coding ideas[2] to work on:
The Distributed Ground Station Network – global tracking and communication with small-satellites[2][4]
KSat-Stuttgart – the small satellite society at the Institute of Space Systems / University of Stuttgart[2]
Have you ever dreamt of going to space?! At least as a child you did.
Unfortunately we didn’t quite make it to space ~100km quite yet – but at >22km we (our balloon that is) have been higher than at least 99.99% of you out there. Commercial airplanes fly at 8.5km to 10.7km to give you something graspable to compare it to.
Ever since we saw the first footage of a camera attached to a weather balloon we became fascinated by the idea to take our own images. The visible curvature of our small sphere (speak: earth) floating through space captured was ever so inspiring. You don’t even need to spend a lot of money doing so.
eine kleine Erinnerung:
wenn das Wetter gut sein wird, dann werden wir den spaceballoon am Samstag den 4. März vom Rotenberg in Stuttgart starten, Yeah!
Wir werden ab 09:00 Uhr dort sein. Wenn du beim Near-Space Start dabei sein willst und auch bei der Balloonjagd mitmachen willst, dann trage dich doch bitte kurz bei unserem Meetup ein >>
Wenn du bereits eine “Nutzlast” hast, dann bringt diese zum Treffen am Integrationswochenende vor dem Start mit. Der Spaceballoon wird so zu deiner Plattform und nimmt dein Projekt mit auf seiner Reise. Falls du nicht live dabei sein kannst, verfolge den Ballon per Funk auf 869.525 MHz und hilf uns beim wiederfinden der gelandeten Nutzlast.
Wir vergeben den Platz an Bord per “First come, first serve”. Melde dich mit deinem Projekt bitte im Vorfeld per Email (spaceballoon(at)
Zum entspannten Ausklang des Tages werden wir uns im shackspace treffen.
Sei dabei wenn der Spaceballoon startet und die Reise in den nahen Weltraum antritt.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!
Zum Event:
Start: 4. März 2017 (Sa), 09:00 – 12:00 mit anschließender Fuchsjagd
Abschluss: 4. März 2017 (Sa), 18:00 Führung und entspannter Ausklang im shack e.V.
Taking place in the perfectly matching Institute of Space Systems (IRS) on the Campus of the University of Stuttgart on a sunny Sunday the 17th of July, international participants with diverse backgrounds met to present their space projects or to discuss their opinions about space. For all participants, it was connected by the topic “Students meet Experts” and for 40 of them it was intended to be the introduction to a full week of hard work as participants of the “Space Station Design Workshop (SSDW)”. The IRS is hosting the annual SSDW to train teams of students and young professionals how to work together for a pre-phase0 study about a designing a possible International Space Station successor.
So the SpaceUp Stuttgart unconference was the kick-off event for the SSDW students who came from various places around the globe like South Africa, France, the USA, Denmark and many more countries. By mingling them with further professional and space-enthusiastic participants it created a great community spirit that also led to great talks.
ESA Summer of Code in Space 2016 with and the Institute of Photogrammetry (IFP, University of Stuttgart)
This is’s common ideas page for the European Space Agency’s ESA Summer of Code in Space 2016. It’s an open-source coding campaign where students work on space related software for 3 months and are getting paid 4000€. How awesome is that?!
Read everything, have fun, make space possible!
Constellation brings space to people by means of citizen science. We believe there is an open space for everybody…
„Space, is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space“ – Douglas Adams
We really enjoyed mentoring creative students during ESA SOCIS 2013, 2014 and 2015. We gain a lot and we learned a lot, so we want to share this experience again and support you! We collaborated with Cosmic Dust Group of the Institute of Space Systems (IRS) at the University of Stuttgart. With them, we achieved two new apps, we even supported the European Space Agency (ESA) and their Interplanetary Meteoroid Environment for Exploration (IMEX) project, we released several papers, simulated comets worth 10000 hours of computing power and discussed our findings with an Astronaut and experts. How cool is that? And we want you to be part of this again. So we are re-applying this year and give you three chances to be part of this coding family.
– Be a SOCIS Student! – Be a SOCIS Mentor! – Provide a SOCIS Project!
We didn’t expect overwhelming reactions about our ideas and the great support by people also being a mentor. So we would like to expand the mentor and project scale here and please keep on applying for these important tasks.
There is space for everyone!
To give you an impression what we did last time, watch this…
SpaceUp is your unconference about everything space. It will return with the slogan „Students meet Experts“ to the Space Center Baden-Württemberg (Raumfahrtzentrum Baden-Württemberg) on the 17th of July 2016.
This time, SpaceUp Stuttgart will be the Kick-Off event for the “Space Station Design Workshop (SSDW)”! It is a great opportunity for the participants and all interested people to get together and share their opinions and get an insider’s video into research and industry work. The SSDW will bring an international and diverse touch to our unconference.
Due to the cooperation with the SSDW, we already have a line-up with lots of awesome presentations by researchers, industry insiders and of course by local student teams.
Of the 161 People’s Choice nominations of NASA’s Space Apps Challenge this year, our Stuttgart’s project rose to the top. The NASA jury loved your „creative interpretation of the challenge“ and informed us about their nomintation.
Congratulations Team!!!!
The team worked hard during the 48h hackathon to create autonomous farming, through machine learning on basis on collaborative gaming for off-earth as well as on-earth applications.
For achieving this, they set-up a demonstrator green-house that will be used as the baseline farming hardware for our game.
Voting for the People’s Choice Top 25 semi-finalists will begin Monday, May 9th at 2 p.m. Eastern and will be open through Sunday, May 15th at 2 p.m. Eastern. At this time, Space Apps will take a break to verify the votes before moving forward with the Top 5 finalists, which will be open for votes the following week.
Die SpaceApps-Challenge der NASA ist ein 48-stündiger Wettbewerb, an dem Michael Kahle von der Physischen Geographie im shackspace Stuttgart in der Sparte „Earth Live“ teilgenommen hat. eoNetTambora ist dabei aus 1.200 Projekten unter die fünf Finalisten in der Kategorie „Best Use of Data“ gewählt worden. Durch die Synopse der in nahezu Echtzeit von der Nasa gelieferten Hazard-Daten mit Satellitenbildern erhalten Jahrhunderte alte Zeitungen, Tagebücher und anderes Quellenmaterial aus einen tagesaktuellen Bezug und ermöglichen die Erkundung regionaler und globaler Auswirkungen des Klimawandels.
The fourth year in a row,[0] is proud to be selected as an official mentoring organization for the Summer of Code in Space 2016 (SOCIS) program run by the European Space Agency (ESA).
And we are now looking for students to spend their summers coding on great space software, getting paid €4000 by ESA, releasing scientific papers about their projects and supporting the open-source space community.
Until 15 May 2016, students can apply for an hands on experience with applied space programs. With a project by the Institute for Photogrammetry (IFP) at the University of Stuttgart, we are offering you various coding work[1] on:
The Distributed Ground Station Network – global tracking and communication with small-satellites[2]