Our event in Jena will be special because it will be the first and currently only location that is a „Makerspace“. Makerspaces are places were people can work on creative solutions for global or private problems. And this kind of free „maker“ spirit is what will also help solve problems in space exploration. So you have the unique chance to join other creative people during the #SpaceTalks and also to take part in a full week of workshops. Because #SpaceTalks will initiate the FunkWoche during which you can come here and work on everything related to communications, be it radio frequencies, lasers, amateur radio,…. and also satellite communications. So we will bring #SpaceTalks to Jena under this flag of „FunkWoche 2018/2 and ESA’s European Spacetalks – space and even more radio! / FunkWoche 2018/2 und ESA’s European Spacetalks – Raumfahrt und noch mehr Funk“.
The event will take place at the Jena Hackspace, will be hybrid with Lightning Talks (short 15-20 minute talks of you!) for #SpaceTalks and as the starting event for the hamradio workshop week FunkWoche – and be on Monday, 19 November 2018, 2000hrs to 2130hrs. Talks and discussions may be in German or in English. Everyone is welcome.
Lightning Talks:
- Intro: Satelliten Communication – what flies where and what can I do with it, and why to uwe and my build an antenna rotator?! (Working Title), Andreas
- Status of the Distributed Ground Station Network for Tracking Cubesats, Andreas
- (TBC) GroundStations, but safe/secure!, lowl3v3l
- Your Space Topic, YOU!
Due to limited places, please register here or on meetup and RVSP this in your calendars! Further details tbc in the next weeks. We are inviting you to give a lightning talk. Just send us your title at contact@aerospaceresearch.net.
German Invitation:
- Intro: Satellitenkommunikation – was fliegt wo rum und was macht man damit, und wieso bauen Uwe und ich diese Woche eine Antennemotorsteuerung?! (Working Title), Andreas
- Status der Distributed Ground Station Network zum Tracken von Cubesats, Andreas
- (TBC) Bodenstation, aber sicher!, lowl3v3l
- Euer Space Thema, DU![2]
- jeden Tag ab 19:00 Uhr vom 19-24.11.2018
- [0] Eingeleitet mit einem ESA SpaceTalk am 19.11.2018 ab 20:00 Uhr.
- im Krautspace, dem Hackspace Jena, Krautgasse 26, 07743 Jena
- im Hauptraum und im Elektroniklabor (nach Bedarf).
- Themen siehe Link und bringt Funkthemen mit! Ankündigen der Themen wäre toll, aber kein Muss!
- Jeder kann vorbeikommen!
- Wer ein RVSP braucht: https://www.meetup.
com/OpenSpaceLabs/events/ 256044725/ (wir haben nur bedingt Plätze!)